

  • 北京朗阁雅思培训学校
  • 北京朗阁雅思培训学校
  • 北京朗阁雅思培训学校
  • 北京朗阁雅思培训学校
  • 北京朗阁雅思培训学校

雅思口语Part 2素材

Describe a popular or well-known person in your country

you should say

who this person is

what he or she has done

why he or she is popular

and explain how you feel about this person

Well I used to be a big fan of musicians and the famous person in my country I want to talk about is Cindy Wong, who is really hot recently. she is a singer and she was a household name(家喻户晓的人物) in China. She has a knack for(擅长) singing and dancing and she has got a stunning look(好看的外表). I am impressed by her watery eyes and her song are super sweet, just as how she looks.


The reason why she is very popular is that she has a lot of smash hits(热门曲目). Definitely she knows how to sing and her singing and dancing skills are pretty solid(扎实), just like I mentioned before. But I have to say now actually she is quite aged in the show business(娱乐圈) because she is around 40 this year. But recently because of a variety show(娱乐节目) she participated in, people started to talk about her again and I am very happy for it because I used to be a fan of her and her songs.


Her songs are definitely pleasant to the ear(悦耳) and when I was a teenager, um, I guess I could find the connection with(找到共鸣) her songs since most of her music are light and joyful and the lyrics are pretty catchy(朗朗上口的). It is said that now her fans have grown up and people started to vote for her in the variety show and I saw a lot of hot topics about her, which were really impressive. Uh, I think people can always shine if they are really capable in his or her field.


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