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  • 北京环球雅思横幅


2024北京环球雅思寒假班集训营-北京雅思寒假班专属课程,助力弯道超车,开设雅思能力端基础班 / 5-6.5分班 / 6-6.5分班/ 6.5-7分班雅思常规班 一对一VIP课程 !环球好师资,冲刺好分数出国语培业内深耕、优质师资团队、自主研发教材,环球雅思寒假培训小班封闭式集训,全程授课加辅导加班主任管理,三管齐下,实现三重保障,每班配备经验丰富、责任心强专职辅导老师,早晚专容,指导完成作业,批改每次作业,组织阶段测试,学员能够通过全天候的浸泡式学习,帮助学员们充分巩固英语听说读写等技能。量身打造学习方案及留学规划,环球雅思培训为您打造一站式出国语言培训服务,助您实现留学梦想。


1. literacy /'l?t(?)r?s?/

n. 读写能力;识字;有文化

e.g. Many adults have some problems with literacy and numeracy.

e.g. The program is intended to promote adult literacy among people who have had very little schooling.

补充:numeracy 识数;计算能力

schooling n. 教育,学校教育

adj. literate 有读写能力的/ 有专业知识的;懂行的

antonym:illiterate 不识字的;文盲的; 缺乏专业知识的

e.g. computer/ financially literate

e.g. economically, scientifically, politically illiterate

e.g. Many senior managers are technologically illiterate.

e.g. it is estimated that 880 million adults around the world are illiterate, that is, they are unable to read or write. A majority of them are women.

2. moral /'m?r(?)l/

adj. 道德上的;道义上的

常见搭配:moral standards 道德标准

moral value 道德观,道德价值

moral support 道义支持;精神支持

e.g. Schools teach moral values both by example and in lessons.

e.g. Moral values are defined as guidelines that assist a person in deciding between right and wrong.


Quality- oriented education is an education model that aims at improving the quality of educated people and attaching importance to people's ideological and moral qualities, ability training, personality development, and the education of both physical and mental health.

补充:exam-oriented education 应试教育

n. moral 道德规范;品德;品行

e.g. some of them prefer money to morals.

e.g. In our time we have seen a shocking decline in both public and private morals.

3. placement /'ple?sm?nt/

n. 培训中的实习安排

常见搭配:work placement 工作实习

e.g. The trainee teachers do a school placement in the summer term.

听力真题17-3-3:I decided to go for the Orion Stadium placement. The event I’ll be managing is one where I’m helping to set up a sports competition for primary school children. That’s always a popular placement – even though it can be tougher than you think working with children.

其他补充:placement test : In many countries, including the United States, it is not unusual for students to take a placement exam in a subject such as mathematics upon entering middle or high school to determine what level of classes they should take. 分级;考试试

4. compulsory /k?m'p?ls(?)r?/

adj. 强制性的;强迫的;义务的;

e.g. compulsory education 义务教育

e.g. compulsory course 必修课程

e.g. Attendance is compulsory for all students.

e.g. According to college curriculum, students have to finish some compulsory courses and selective courses.

补充:attendance 出勤

selective courses 必修课


必修课:required courses

选修课:optional courses

环球雅思寒假培训班高三毕业 准备就读国际高中、中外办学项目、出国读本科 大一、大二在读 出国读本科,已选定目标院校,开始备考雅思 大三、大四在读 已拿到offer,临近递交雅思成绩,急需出分 上班族 出国读研、读博深造,公考就业根据理想分数制定个性化方案雅思精选好课:寒假不荒废老师陪你学涵盖4.5-7+各分数段雅思精选好课:寒假不荒废老师陪你学涵盖4.5-7+各分数段。环球教育市区课程是由环球教育教研团队不断精心打磨而逐渐形成的,有1V1 , 4-6人,10人,15-20人 等主要班型,全面迎合学生的多元化学习需求。环球雅思寒假班封闭集训班 托管集训,浸泡式学习环球教育1V1定制课程旨在针对不同学员的需求进行专项辅导,量身定制每位学员的备考计划,0元在线 答疑解惑,享受家教式服务,阶段性模考+点评,根据成绩,随时调整课程进度,真正体现私人订制。环球在线是环球教育旗下在线课程品牌,课程种类丰富,涵盖对一、 精品小班、精品大班等多种课程形 式,采用直播+录播形式,解决学员因时间/地域限制无法上课的困境,足不出户享受一对一 授课服务。“管家式”服务让学习质量不打折360°全程留学语培规划-留学语培同步规划赢在起跑线27年 教研沉淀 实力有口皆碑赢战雅思未来可7-学校环境

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