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  • 大庆学为贵暑期班横幅
  • 大庆学为贵雅思培训学校
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  • 学为贵横幅
  • 学为贵横幅


给大家带来的是雅思范文——提高驾车的年龄,下面就让我们一起来看看这一篇雅思大作文的题目要求、话题分类、题目解析、写作思路、参考范文、亮点词汇及短语吧,一起来学习一下优 秀雅思范文。


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.






同时,考生需要注意,题目中有绝 对词“ the best”。对于此类题目,笔者认为,没有“the best”,故本文笔者观点为“完全不同意”。全文共四段;主体两个段落给出“不认为提高驾驶年龄是办法”的理由。


Para 1 = 题目改写 + 观点 (完全不同意)

Para 2 = 主体1(理由1 – 无法提高驾驶人员安全意识)

Para 3 = 主体2(理由2 – 无法让驾驶人员意识到危险驾驶的严重性)

Para 4 = 结尾段(重申观点 + 理由总结 + 建议)


Some opine that increasing drivers’ and motorcyclists’ minimum legal age should be regarded as the best approach to improve road safety. Personally, I totally disagree with this statement because neither can the policy help people understand the significance of safe driving nor enable them to realise how seriously accidents may impact victims and themselves.

The major reason why I am strongly against increasing the minimum legal age for driving vehicles being decisive to road safety is that drivers’ safety awareness will not be altered. Although it seems people will naturally know how to drive safely with age, the fact runs the other way around. Many males, for instance, always drive fast to show some of their masculinity, regardless of their age. Therefore, even if there was a rise in the minimum driving age, they would do the same; in other words, numerous car accidents would still happen.

Another point supporting my stance is that simply adopting measures regarding driving age is not enough to encourage reckless drivers to know the adverse consequences their actions may entail owing to a dearth of sanctions imposed on them. If drivers perceive that they will not be punished, it is highly likely that they will keep involving themselves in dangerous behaviours, such as fatigue and drunk driving. In contrast, prioritising punishment can be more effective.

In conclusion, I completely approve of the viewpoint that delaying the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorbikes is by no means the best way to reduce the increasing number of road accidents. This method is impossible to boost drivers’ awareness of safe driving; meanwhile, it cannot make them consider the severe results of their negligence. Obviously, there is more to improving road safety than increasing the minimum legal age, such as organising programmes that can promote people’s consciousness of safe driving and implementing punitive strategies.

(308 words)


1.motorcyclist (n.) 摩托车驾驶员

2.minimum legal age 法定年龄

3.safe driving 安全驾驶

4.enable sb. to do sth. 让某人有能力做某事

5.victim (n.) 受害者

6.vehicle (n.) 车辆

7.be decisive to 对…有决定性作用

8.awareness (n.) 意识

9.alter (v.) 改变

10.with age 随着年龄增加

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