

  • 2023珠海朗阁雅思秋季班火热招生中
  • 珠海朗阁Alevel考试培训班火热招生中
  • 2022珠海朗阁雅思培训集训中心
  • 朗阁




例如汉语的“你喝,我就喝”,但是到了英语,我们的句子就变成了“If you drink, I'll drink.” 在这里我们需要用if来连接两个句子。这是因为中文注重意合,英文注重形合,举个例子:
Do you like your high school?
Yes, I love my high school. Most of my high school teachers are familiar with teaching skills. They know how to design drills and class activities. They also know how to make every lesson lively and stimulating to engage each student. I have spent most of my memorable years in my high school. I have made lots of friends at that time, and that is a lifelong fortune for me.
Yes, I love my high school, because most of my high school teachers are familiar with teaching skills. Besides, they know how to design drills and class activities. They also know how to make every lesson lively and stimulating to engage each student. Furthermore, I have spent most of my memorable years in my high school, when I have made lots of friends, and that is a lifelong fortune for me.
以上句子,在添加了相应的连接词之后就变得很流利了,也是考官一听就很有逻辑性的口语答案。首先“烤鸭”不仅要使用逻辑性词语,还要能够恰当地使用,从描述顺序和步骤到解释因果,让不同的具体关系都能充分掌握。“烤鸭”要提高Part 3口语的流利性就要从转变汉语中不常使用连接词这一语言习惯做起,熟记并且理解和熟练运用各种关系、连词以及插入语,让语言变得有序,且“活”一点。
2. Do parents in your countries spend a lot of time with their children?
Well, it’s hard to say. The first thing I should mention is that for those white-collar parents, they don't have too much time to stay with their children during the weekdays. They're very busy with their work and some of them may work until late at night, for the purpose of winning the promotion and to survive in the competitive society, so they can only have the happy family time with their children during the weekends and holidays. Whereas, for those parents who have their own business, they have more time to stay with their children. That is because these parents don’t have to get up early and arrived at the office on time every day as they can arrange the daily schedule according to their daily schedule, so they can spend a lot of time with their children.
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